Red Delicious
“The apples of novels”
FRUIT: medium-large or large, truncated cone shape with elongated lobes accentuated, ribbed in cross-section; average core; eye cavity quite large, quite deep; tube sometimes open; cup generally semi-open.
SKIN: Quite thick, with uniform colour of red, very intense and bright, uniform over the entire surface that is smooth, a little waxy; medium-sized, rather numerous, whitish, sometimes rusty, haloed and evident.
FLESH: cream-white, rather soft, melting, juicy, slightly tart but sweet and aromatic; excellent taste characteristics to the right degree of maturation.
AGING: optimum ripeness is reached on average five / seven days before Golden, ten to 15 September.
MARKETING: the marketing of this variety occurs in the period from October to June.
IMPORT: New Zealand, Chile and Argentina